01STAR Parking available in Hindley Mill Lane. Take lane North. Waypoint 02MILL Continue North under railway. Waypoint 03BOR1 Keep North on path. Waypoint 04BOR2 Continue North on path. Waypoint 05BOR3 Continue North along path. Waypoint 06BOR4 Continue North Waypoint 07BOR5 Continue North on path. Waypoint 08BOR6 Keepth North on path. Waypoint 09EXIW Take path SE up hill and through farm buildings. Waypoint 10BATF Take footpath from SE corner of farm yard. Cross wide dyke taking track SE towards Taylors Farm. Waypoint 11TAYF Take Dodd Lane North on West side of buildings. Waypoint 12RADF Take trackway SE on south side of farm. Waypoint 13SOUE Continue SE towards North side of coppice. Waypoint 14COPS Cross stile to follow path East. Waypoint 15POND Make way around South side of pond and continue South East on path. Waypoint 16CARL Cross track and continue East. Waypoint 17LONL Head SE on Long Lane. Waypoint 18WILB Take path South through trees. Waypoint 19GOLC Follow path SW along edge of golf course. Waypoint 20CROH Carefully head West across golf course. Waypoint 21EXIT Briefly take path South. Waypoint 22CROF Take path West across field. Waypoint 23FIEE Turn SW along substantial track. Waypoint 24GOOT Continue West on track, Waypoint 25WILF Take Jacks Lane South through farm buildings. Waypoint 26JACL Continue South on Jacks Lane. Waypoint 27RAIL Bear West along track. Waypoint 28BORS Turn South at pond. Waypoint 29KEES Continue South Waypoint 34 Leave track to take footpath West beside farm. Waypoint 31DOWN Carefully follow footpath down slope. Waypoint 32STEP Take steps down to main path South. Waypoint 33TUNN Take tunnel south. Waypoint 34END Back to start. Waypoint THE ROUTE Length: 7.77 km (4.828 mi)