01STAR Take footpath East (left) at North end of Winsford Drive as it arcs along line of houses. image/jpeg Waypoint 02LIML Turn left upon reaching Lumber Lane and carefully cross to footpath on its Northern side. image/jpeg Waypoint 03BRAD Take footpath North (right) across field keeping close to West boundary of site of Bradlegh Hall. image/jpeg Waypoint 04VIAV At footpath post there is a good view of Sankey Viaduct to left. Turn West (right) here along well troden path over field and then down slope towards brook. image/jpeg Waypoint 05SANB Take footbridge over Sankey Brook to canal footpath. Turn SE (right) along canal side. image/jpeg Waypoint 06ALDL Pass under Alder Lane and continue South on tarmac path. image/jpeg Waypoint 07OLAL Turn West (right) along Old Alder Lane crossing Sankey Brook. No footpath so take care. image/jpeg Waypoint 08IKEV Leave road (left) to take path West beside field boundary. image/jpeg Waypoint 09PHIB At edge of Phipps Brook path heads briefly NW. image/jpeg Waypoint 10TURB Follow path West around field boundary. image/jpeg Waypoint 11TAHO When footpaths meet branch West (left) on farm track along fence onto Farmers Lane. No footpath on Farmers Lane so watch for traffic. image/jpeg Waypoint 12CHAL Turn West (left) along Chapel Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 13COOP Just before reaching COOP supermarket turn North (right) on footpath running through houses. image/jpeg Waypoint 14ALDR At field boundary turn West (left) following path beside houses back to start. image/jpeg Waypoint 15WINS Back at start. image/jpeg Waypoint BURTONWOODSAN Length: 7.954 km (4.942 mi)