01STAR Start from Osbalderston Green, parking on Osbalderston Lane. Take path East towards Roberts House Farm. image/jpeg Waypoint 02ROHF Enter farmyard and take footpath North between barns. Continue North along West side of hedge. image/jpeg Waypoint 03ROBS Cross stile and continue North along West side of hedge. image/jpeg Waypoint 04OXES Take stile onto road and head East. image/jpeg Waypoint 05OXEG Pass through gate onto footpath and continue East along path. image/jpeg Waypoint 06GIAG Pass through gate and follow path North between fences along West side of Old Park Wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 07OLPB Cross bridge and continue North through wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 08EOPW Use stile to enter Old Park Wood and carefully make way North down valley, image/jpeg Waypoint 09OLPC Take footbridge over stream and follow path up incline. image/jpeg Waypoint 10OLPE Use stile to exit wood and head North via small pond to farm gate. image/jpeg Waypoint 11LONG Head North along East side of wood boundary to end of field. image/jpeg Waypoint 12ROPW Re-enter Old Park Wood via stile and make way NW down slope to stream. image/jpeg Waypoint 13RIBB Step over stream and continue NW up bank. image/jpeg Waypoint 15TRAC Take track NW down to Osbalderston Hall. image/jpeg Waypoint 16OSHG Pass through gate and head West on footpath in front of Osbalderston Hall. image/jpeg Waypoint 17OSBF Use gate to access road NW through farm buildings to River Ribble. image/jpeg Waypoint 18RIVR Pass through gate and head West along bank of River Ribble. image/jpeg Waypoint 18A Continue following ribble path Waypoint 19RIFW Take stile on river bank to enter Flashers Wood and follow slippery path SW along river bank. image/jpeg Waypoint 20DOBW Take track SE up slope towards Burr Green. image/jpeg Waypoint 21BUGS Take stile into field and head south across field to Mercyfield Wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 22MERW Follow footpath East along Northern boundary of wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 25BUGE Cross stile and continue East via wooden stiles along North boundary of wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 24BURG Take metal gate onto road and head East along road. image/jpeg Waypoint 25LOWS After Lower Studdlehurst pond take footpath South along East side of hedge. image/jpeg Waypoint 26SANW Cross footbridge and turn south to follow footpath South along West side of hedge. image/jpeg Waypoint 27SAWS Take stile South of field to continue South on East side of hedge. image/jpeg Waypoint 28SMAL Cross stile keep heading south until reach gateway on West side.At gateway head east across field to hedge on opposite side. image/jpeg Waypoint 29SMAL Cross bridge and head to gate at NE corner of field. image/jpeg Waypoint 30FLET Pass through gate and continue East along hedge boundary. image/jpeg Waypoint 31OSBL Take gate and path back to Osbalderston Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 14LEAV Take stile out of wood and continue NW to gate. image/jpeg Waypoint THE TRACK Length: 7.621 km (4.735 mi)