01STAR Parking at start, take Hindley Mill Lane North. image/jpeg Waypoint 02TUNN Pass under rail tunnel continue on good quality path North. image/jpeg Waypoint 03BORS Continue North through Borsdane Wood keeping mill stream to East of you. image/jpeg Waypoint 04BORS Follow winding path North through wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 05BORS Path heads North through woodland. image/jpeg Waypoint 06BORS Keep heading North on good quality path. image/jpeg Waypoint 07BORS Continue following path North. image/jpeg Waypoint 08FOOT Cross footbridge and continue North up hill. image/jpeg Waypoint 09MILL Cross stone bridge and turn West into Mill Lane car park. Exit car park via Westerly path. image/jpeg Waypoint 10ILKE Take Dodds Farm Lane West. Waypoint 11DODF Turn South West off Dodds Farm Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 12RESE Take path West between fences. image/jpeg Waypoint 13HALL Carefully cross Hall Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 14BRAB Briefly enter field and head NW to exit gate. image/jpeg Waypoint 15BULG Exit field via gate onto lane.Take lane NW. image/jpeg Waypoint 16WOOR Turn South on Wood Road passing via sports ground. image/jpeg Waypoint 17EMGA Take path South on West side of Kirkless Wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 18KIRK Follow path South keeping close to farmland. image/jpeg Waypoint 19BOUN Route turns SE at field boundary. image/jpeg Waypoint 20FISP Follow path as it bears South beside fishing pond. image/jpeg Waypoint 21WITL Turn East along Withington Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 22FOAL Leave Withington Lane via footpath heading SE image/jpeg Waypoint 24 Upon reaching security fence take path East along North side of fence. image/jpeg Waypoint 24FENC Follow footpath as it turns South by fence and continue along path as it leads down slope and through wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 25WARE Follow path briefly SE on North side of wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 26GOLC On reaching boundary of golf course take track NE, image/jpeg Waypoint 27CLUH Take path East through buildings. image/jpeg Waypoint 28HINH Take road SE towards main road. image/jpeg Waypoint 29HALL Briefly head South on Hall Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 30AMEW Just before houses on East side of road follow footpath SE behind houses. image/jpeg Waypoint 31FIEL Take footpath initially East towards tree line and follow it as it bears SE downhill. image/jpeg Waypoint 32VALF On reaching valley floor turn South on path via tunnel and back to start. image/jpeg Waypoint 33END Back at start. image/jpeg Waypoint Pennington Green Circular 01STAR Parking at start, take Hindley Mill Lane North. image/jpeg Waypoint 02TUNN Pass under rail tunnel continue on good quality path North. image/jpeg Waypoint 03BORS Continue North through Borsdane Wood keeping mill stream to East of you. image/jpeg Waypoint 04BORS Follow winding path North through wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 05BORS Path heads North through woodland. image/jpeg Waypoint 06BORS Keep heading North on good quality path. image/jpeg Waypoint 07BORS Continue following path North. image/jpeg Waypoint 08FOOT Cross footbridge and continue North up hill. image/jpeg Waypoint 09MILL Cross stone bridge and turn West into Mill Lane car park. Exit car park via Westerly path. image/jpeg Waypoint 10ILKE Take Dodds Farm Lane West. Waypoint 11DODF Turn South West off Dodds Farm Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 12RESE Take path West between fences. image/jpeg Waypoint 13HALL Carefully cross Hall Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 14BRAB Briefly enter field and head NW to exit gate. image/jpeg Waypoint 15BULG Exit field via gate onto lane.Take lane NW. image/jpeg Waypoint 16WOOR Turn South on Wood Road passing via sports ground. image/jpeg Waypoint 17EMGA Take path South on West side of Kirkless Wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 18KIRK Follow path South keeping close to farmland. image/jpeg Waypoint 19BOUN Route turns SE at field boundary. image/jpeg Waypoint 20FISP Follow path as it bears South beside fishing pond. image/jpeg Waypoint 21WITL Turn East along Withington Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 22FOAL Leave Withington Lane via footpath heading SE image/jpeg Waypoint 24 Upon reaching security fence take path East along North side of fence. image/jpeg Waypoint 24FENC Follow footpath as it turns South by fence and continue along path as it leads down slope and through wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 25WARE Follow path briefly SE on North side of wood. image/jpeg Waypoint 26GOLC On reaching boundary of golf course take track NE, image/jpeg Waypoint 27CLUH Take path East through buildings. image/jpeg Waypoint 28HINH Take road SE towards main road. image/jpeg Waypoint 29HALL Briefly head South on Hall Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 30AMEW Just before houses on East side of road follow footpath SE behind houses. image/jpeg Waypoint 31FIEL Take footpath initially East towards tree line and follow it as it bears SE downhill. image/jpeg Waypoint 32VALF On reaching valley floor turn South on path via tunnel and back to start. image/jpeg Waypoint 33END Back at start. image/jpeg Waypoint