01MILL Take Mill Lane North beside church. image/jpeg Waypoint 02MILS Take gate North of Sefton Mill site and follow path SE behind houses. Notice boards on mill site explain its history. image/jpeg Waypoint 03MILS Follow Mill Stream Close South West. image/jpeg Waypoint 04BRIL Turn South briefly along Bridges Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 05BRIL Take Brickwall Lane East along North side footpath. image/jpeg Waypoint 06B542 Carefully cross main road and take footpath as it bears SW. image/jpeg Waypoint 07BRIC Footpath turns briefly SE. image/jpeg Waypoint 08GREE Take footpath SW along side of watercourse. image/jpeg Waypoint 09BRCR Turn East on footpath running along South side of fence keeping away from the busy road. image/jpeg Waypoint 10NETB Continue SE along path by fence. image/jpeg Waypoint 11CHAL Turn NE down Chapel Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint 12BARN Continue NE along good quality path. image/jpeg Waypoint 13RIVA Cross bridge over River Alt and turn East along North side of river. image/jpeg Waypoint 14MELB Foottpath turns North along West side of Melling Brook. image/jpeg Waypoint 15MEDW Leave footpath onto Medway and follow it NE. image/jpeg Waypoint 16RACE Turn North along Old Racecourse Road. image/jpeg Waypoint 17SEFL Cross over Sefton Lane via traffic lights and turn West down Sefton Drive to pathway between house and main road. image/jpeg Waypoint 18CHEL Follow Cheshire Line North. image/jpeg Waypoint 19MAGB Turn West along path on North side embankment of Maghull Brook. image/jpeg Waypoint 20SHOB Take Showrick Bridge over River Alt and follow path South. image/jpeg Waypoint 21MOOL Turn West along substantial path. image/jpeg Waypoint 22SEFB Path branches SW through Mersey Forest. image/jpeg Waypoint 23MERF Cross footbridge and continue South. image/jpeg Waypoint 24STHW Upon reaching Lunt Road turn East back to start. St Helens Well is on opposite side of road. image/jpeg Waypoint 25END Back at start. image/jpeg Waypoint THE ROUTE Length: 8.215 km (5.105 mi)