121.249 01STAR Stockclough Lane is good place to park. Follow road South. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 131.582 02LEAR Take track SW (right) off main road between cottages image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 128.687 03SHAF Take footpath west out of wood into field and down towards canal. Follow path South (left) along tree line. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 123.170 04CANS Head west (right) along treeline on edge of canal then downto canal side via stile. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 129.174 05LEAV Take path SW (left) up hill away from canal to edge of farm land. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 128.656 06PYLO Follow field boundary South (left) under motorway and along Western edge of Stanworth Wood. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 128.473 07STAW Take stile SE (left) into Stanworth Wood and follow path down to bridge at bottom. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 128.473 08RIVR Take bridge over River Roddlesworth and follow path SE up opposite bank. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 142.159 09RIDG Cross stile at top of ridge and take path SE. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 145.512 10RAIL Cross bridge over railway and take path to North of farm buildings. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 154.899 11BRAF Take path South (right) through farm buildings then head South along farm track. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 162.093 12GATE Turn West (right) along North side of hedge at gate. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 156.088 13FIEJ Take stile in field corner and head South (left) along East side of Red Lee wood. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 155.143 14RELW Take stile SW (right) into Red Lee Wood and follow path down to River Roddlesworth. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 152.979 15RODB Cross bridge and take track to road. Cross road and take footpath opposite (west) up the incline and across the field to track. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 165.232 16FARM Take lane South to Hare and Hounds car park. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 179.161 17HARH At Hare and Hounds take path East (left) along North side of Rake Brook Reservoir. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 181.569 18RAKC Take footpath on West side of Rake House and cross footbridge on the other side. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 181.082 19OVER Follow path East (right) through wood to Dam wall of Roddlesworth Reservoir. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 172.212 20DAWA Walk North (left) across Dam wall and follow path East on North side of wood. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 177.729 21LEAW Take footpath NE (left) up hill towards Higher Hill farm. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 229.636 22HIHF Head North through paddock to lane on other side. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 235.397 23HIHL Turn NE towards Tower View Farm then North (left) along road to West of Cheetham Buildings. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 239.024 24CHEB Take footpath North on West side of the cottages to Chapels Lane. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 196.230 25CHAL Take road North past church yard. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 191.414 26UNRC Follow road North then NE to St Stephens church. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 192.146 27STSC Turn North (left) on road on East side of church. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 193.578 28LEAV Follow footpath North on East side of hedge to stile. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 186.141 29STIL Use stile to head NW (left) along South side of hedge. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 164.043 30TOBR Exit field by stile and follow path through coppice to stream. image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 164.988 31SHBB Cross footbridge and follow path up incline then NW along West side of fence. image/jpeg image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 158.984 32MOTS Use stile to follow path West (left) between motorway and hedge. image/jpeg image/jpeg Waypoint Summit 145.999 33STOL Follow Stockclough Lane North (right) under M65 back to start. image/jpeg image/jpeg Waypoint Summit THE ROUTE The Route